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Redirects ​

Route target redirect ​

You can set up one route to redirect to another route within your app or even to another absolute URL in your config/routes.js.

module.exports.routes = {
  '/chat': '/community',
  'GET /docs': ''


Learn more about Route target redirect on the Sails docs.

Exit signal redirect ​

You can also set an exit to signal a redirect in your action.

module.exports = {
  exits: {
    success: {
      responseType: 'redirect'
  fn: async function (inputs) {
    return '/'

Notice we set the responseType to redirect and then we can return a URL string.


Learn more about Actions and Controllers on the Sails docs.

303 response code for SPAs ​

When redirecting after a PUT, PATCH, or DELETE request from your SPA, you must use a 303 response code, otherwise the subsequent request will not be treated as a GET request. A 303 redirect is very similar to a 302 redirect; however, the follow-up request is explicitly changed to a GET request.

The Boring Stack provides you with the inertiaRedirect custom response to do that in your controller actions:

module.exports = {
  exits: {
    success: {
      responseType: 'inertiaRedirect'
  fn: async function (inputs) {
    return '/users'


Learn more about 303 response code on the Inertia docs.

External redirects ​

Sometimes it's necessary to redirect to an external website, or even another page in your app that's not an SPA. This can be accomplished using a server-side initiated window.location visit via the inertiaRedirect custom response.

module.exports = {
  exits: {
    success: {
      responseType: 'inertiaRedirect'
  fn: async function (inputs) {
    return ''

The inertiaRedirect custom response will generate a 409 Conflict response if the redirect request is coming from a POST or GET method and include the destination URL in the X-Inertia-Location header. When this response is received client-side, Inertia will automatically perform a window.location = url visit.

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