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Lemon Squeezy

Specifying the adapter

In config/pay.js create a default payment provider and set the adapter property to @sails-pay/lemonsqueezy.

js = {
  providers: {
    default: {
      adapter: '@sails-pay/lemonsqueezy'


Do well to run npm i @sails-pay/lemonsqueezy if you haven't installed the adapter previously.


You can configure the Lemon Squeezy adapter for both production and local development.

Local development

In your config/local.js specify the following object:

module.exports = {
  pay: {
    providers: {
      default: {
        apiKey: 'iQtuubSnpmDLj62HjyjCSbvPIv2AixLKkG4cWGudptk_LT',
        store: '12055',
        redirectUrl: 'http://localhost:1337',
        signingSecret: '8WCUCGNLi+2mqc+AF/QT6DidAA8GhV8='


For production set same properties in the default provider but in config/pay.js:

js = {
  providers: {
    default: {
      adapter: '@sails-pay/lemonsqueezy',
      store: process.env.LEMON_SQUEEZY_STORE,
      apiKey: process.env.LEMON_SQUEEZY_API_KEY,
      redirectUrl: process.env.LEMON_SQUEEZY_REDIRECT_URL,
      signingSecret: process.env.LEMON_SQUEEZY_SIGNING_SECRET


Note we are using environment variables in production as you don't want to commit those credentials to source control.

Configuring values

If you're unsure how to obtain the configuration values shown above, please refer to the links and instructions provided below:


Check out how to create an API key on your Lemon Squeezy dashboard.


To find your Lemon Squeezy Store ID, go to your Lemon Squeezy dashboard's Stores settings page.

The ID is the number next to your store's name.


Redirect URL is a custom URL to redirect to after a successful purchase.

You can set this to redirect users to any page within your app after they've successfully completed their purchase.


This is a secret (usually a random string) between 6 and 40 characters that will be used to sign each request.

You should validate against this secret on each incoming webhook so you can verify that the request came from Lemon Squeezy.

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