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Getting started

Sails Clerance is a Sails hook for managing role-based access control (RBAC) with numeric clearance levels with numeric clearance levels.


To get started with Sails Clearance, install it via NPM

npm install sails-hook-clearance


After installation, create a config/clearance.js file in your Sails app to setup up roles and permissions for your application.

// config/clearance.js
module.exports.clearance = {
  roles: {
    guest: 0,
    user: 1,
    admin: 2,
    superadmin: 3
  permissions: {
    'admin/*': { level: 2 },
    'api/v1/users/create': { level: 2 },
    'api/v1/posts/*': { level: 1 }

has-clearance policy

Create a has-clearance policy in api/policies:

// api/policies/has-clearance.js
module.exports = function (req, res, next) {
  return sails.hooks.clearance.check(req, res, next)

Create a policy preferably called has-clearance in api/policies and add the following code:

And that's it, you've setup RBAC for your applicatoin with Clearance.

All open source projects are released under the MIT License.